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welcome to bookstack.

if you love all things bookish -their stories, their characters, their writers (and readers), their pages and covers and type and design, their smell and slick pages and hefty spines – then you will feel right at home here.

whenever someone i love gives birth, my gift to the babe is a bookstack.  a bookstack is not just a pile of books.  oh no.  it’s a group of carefully selected books, specifically designed with the reader in mind.  for baby kana rene’s bookstack there was pat the bunny and stranger in the forest and goodnight, moon and secret garden (for when she’s older).  baby kana’s mom is a gentle soul, with a soft voice and tender heart.  the stories in that bookstack seemed just right somehow.

our bookstacks change with our lives. long ago my bookstack was filled with what to expect when you’re expecting and the first three years and raising a gifted child and how to survive your teenager.  this month you will find the poet’s companion and literacy and longing in l.a. and the courage to write and war and peace

wow. quite a smorgasbord.

so settle in and pull up a chair. at my house we often drink while we read – sometimes coffee or tea, occasionally a glass of chardonnay.  please help yourself.

now tell me…what’s in your bookstack?

8 thoughts on “Page One

  1. Oh I love this!!! I will be right at home here! I love to give books to babies as well..for the same reasons. And I was always buying books for my children when they were young…there is something beautiful about a book and I’ve felt this way since I was a child myself.

    A glass of wine or a cup of tea/coffee is always with me when I read…and on a cold day like this one curly up in a warm room with a duvet and plump pillows to relax on is a MUST!!!

    These days my bookstack contains bestsellers, self-help, spiritual, creative and what I overhear (or read about) others reading and enjoying…I’m very eclectic these days, jumping from one genre to another. I’ve been reading biography and history and just filling my brain with things I didn’t know..or knew and had forgotten that I did!!

    Lovely idea Becca…will be back often!!!

  2. Sadly I don’t have one because I moved from a good neighbor who brought me books. I need a new supplier. LOL

    P.S. I do have Time Traveler’s Wife yet to read.


  3. Today’s bookshop haul: (1) The Great Transformation – The world in the time of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius and Jeremiah, by Karen Armstrong. (2)The tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff, (3) The Atlas of Religion, by Joanne O’Brien and Martin Palmer, (4)The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain workbook, by Betty Edwards….. And Christmas books: including The Gathering by Anne Enright; Atonement by Ian McEwan; The Book Club by Kate McCabe; The Kite Runner AND A Thousand Splendid Suns, both by Khaled Hosseini; Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult, and the Fish Anthology 2007 (short stories).

    The concept of a bookstack is interesting, because for many years, I’ve kept my books in no apparent order in my bookshelves – mixtures of fiction, poetry, psychology, parenting… eclectic and haphazard, and yet, when I go to look for a book, I will usually know just where to put my hand on it, for it’s been shelved as part of a “stack” – a group of books that were current at one time – held on my kitchen stool, or on the living-room shelf for a time, and then returned to the study together. My librarian brother despairs of my “system” (for I am the only person who recognises the order within the apparent chaos) and often asks permission to sort my bookshelves out, but they remain as they have always been.

    Well done on starting a new blog! Very energetic!

  4. Oh, this is sooooo cool.
    I have my cup of hot strong coffee and “GROW” by Lynne Franks. (how to connect with self, lovers & others).

  5. I just finished Nina Garcia’s “The Little Black Book of Style”…not bad in itself…the writing was enjoyable, the advice fairly “standard” but the illustrations by Ruben Toledo “were” the book!!

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